LJ SERIES 2D EMULATIONOrientationPurpose The Orientation command defines the position of the logicalpage and the direction in which the 4213 will print in relation tothe physical page.Syntax E &l#OHex 1B 26 6C #Dec 27 38 108 #where # = 0 is portrait# = 1 is landscape.The default orientation is portrait (0).Left MarginPurpose The Left Margin command sets the distance between the leftedge of the text and the left edge of the printable arearegardless of paper orientation.The left margin is set as a column number. The width of acolumn is determined by the Horizontal Motion Index (HMI)command, which sets the horizontal spacing of characters infixed-pitch fonts. The HMI is used as a unit of measurement forselecting the margin, but once set, the margin does not changewith later HMI commands.The default left margin is at column zero, which is 50 pixels(1/6th inch) from the left edge of the paper in portrait mode and60 pixels (1/5th inch) from the left edge of the paper inlandscape mode.Syntax E &a#Lwhere # is the column number at which printing starts.Note: If the Left Margin command specifies a column with avalue greater than that of the right margin, the command isignored.XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER PROGRAMMER REFERENCE 3-21