LJ SERIES 2D EMULATIONThe text length is set to the user default whenever the pageorientation, length, size, or top margin is changed. The userdefault is calculated as the quotient (integer) of the followingequation:(Printable Area Length-TopMargin- )48 ÷ VMIwhere Printable Area Length and Top Margin are measured ininches.Syntax E &l#Fwhere # is the number of lines of text required.Example To set a text length of 55 lines, enter:E &l55FHex 1B 26 6C 35 35 46Dec 27 38 108 53 53 70Perforation RegionPurpose The Perforation Region command determines the action of theprinter when text is positioned below the bottom line of textdefined by the Text Length command. When the PerforationRegion is enabled, text which would fall below the bottom linespecified by the Text Length command is moved automatically tothe top of the text area on the next page.When Perforation Region is not enabled, text may extendbeyond the bottom of the text area and may not be printed if itcontinues out of the printable area. The default setting isPerforation Region enabled. The size of the perforation regiondepends on the dimensions specified by the Page Size and PageLength commands.Syntax E &l#Lwhere # = 0 disables Perforation Region# = 1 enables Perforation Region.3-24 XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER PROGRAMMER REFERENCE