XES COMMAND LANGUAGE MODEFigure 2-7. 1/60 inch units.Et90,150,160,210,255,270,330,345,390,420LFigure 2-8. 1/300 inch units.Et450,750,800,1050,1275,1350,1650,1725,1950,2100LTabs Clear HorizontalPurpose Clears all horizontal tab settings in a job, including the defaultsettings.S yntax Edd Instruction to clear all horizontal tab settings.Where to place it Anywhere before the place in the job at which the current tabsettings are to be cleared.More If horizontal tabs are cleared and no new ones are set, theprinter considers a horizontal tab character as a space.XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER PROGRAMMER REFERENCE 2-47