POSTSCRIPT EMULATION2-sided operatorssetdefault2-sidedmode* — boolean setdefault2-sidedmodeSets the value of default2-sidedmode. When true, the defaultprinting mode is 2-sided. When false, it is 1-sided.default2-sidedmode — default2-sidedmode booleanThis operator returns a boolean indicating the current defaultmode. True indicates 2-sided mode; false, 1-sided mode.set2-sidedmode — boolean set2-sidedmodeTurns 2-sided printing on or off for the current job. True turns2-sided on and false turns it off.2-sidedmode — 2-sidedmode booleanThis operator returns a boolean indicating the current printermode. True is 2-sided mode and false is 1-sided.setdefaulttumble* — boolean setdefaulttumbleSets the default value for tumble. If this operator is true, thesecond side of a 2-sided page is upside-down compared to thefirst side. If false, the first and second sides have the sameorientation.defaulttumble — defaulttumble booleanReturns a boolean indicating whether tumble is on or off.settumble — boolean settumbleThis operator turns tumble on or off for the current job only.Once the current job is finished, tumble is set to the default.tumble — tumble booleanReturns a boolean indicating how text is oriented on a 2-sidedpage. True indicates the second side of a 2-sided page isupside-down compared to the first side. False indicates theorientation is the same on both sides of the page.XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER PROGRAMMER REFERENCE 4-7