LJ SERIES 2D EMULATION• All alphabetic characters in the combined sequence must belowercase except for the last final parameter character whichis uppercase. The characters which would be final parametercharacters in uncombined escape characters are converted tolowercase and referred to as parameter characters.• The commands are interpreted from left to right, so theleftmost command (starting with escape) is executed first andthe rightmost command (ending with the final parametercharacter and optionally binary data) is executed last.Figure 3-4. Combined Escape SequenceEPCL4 command referenceThis section describes the commands (escape sequences) thatcontrol the 4213 Laser Printer when it emulates the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IID printers. The commands, which make up the“Printer Control Language 4 (PCL4),” are divided into thefollowing categories:• Job control commands• Page control commands• Cursor positioning commands• Font control commands• Graphics commands• Macros.XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER PROGRAMMER REFERENCE 3-13