LJ SERIES 2D EMULATIONAbsolute move: If the # value has no sign, the cursor is moved# decipoints down from the top margin.Relative move, positive: If the # value is preceded by a plus (+)sign, the cursor is moved # decipoints down from the currentcursor position.Relative move, negative: If the # value is preceded by a minus(-) sign, the cursor is moved # decipoints above the currentcursor position.If the # value specifies a position beyond the top or bottomedges of the printable area, the cursor is moved to theappropriate edge of the printable area.Vertical Cursor Position (Spots)Purpose The Vertical Cursor Position (Spots) defines the absolute orrelative position of the vertical cursor in units of spots (1/300th ofan inch). The height of a row is defined by the current VerticalMotion Index (VMI) setting.Syntax E *p#YHex 1B 2A 70 # 59Dec 27 42 112 # 89where # is an integer representing the number of spots to moveor the absolute position to move to.Absolute move: If the # value has no sign, the cursor is moved# spots down from the top margin.Relative move, positive: If the # value is preceded by a plus (+)sign, the cursor is moved # spots down from the current cursorposition.Relative move, negative: If the # value is preceded by a minus(-) sign, the cursor is moved # spots above the current cursorposition.If the # value specifies a position beyond the top or bottomedges of the printable area, the cursor is moved to theappropriate edge of the printable area.XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER PROGRAMMER REFERENCE 3-31