LJ SERIES 2D EMULATIONSyntax E &s#CHex 1B 26 73 # 43Dec 27 38 115 # 67where # = 0 enables End-of-Line Wrap# = 1 disables End-of-Line Wrap.Push/Pop Cursor PositionPurpose The Push/Pop Cursor Position command enables the currentcursor position to be stored and recalled at a later time. Up totwenty cursor positions may be stored in a last-in first-out (LIFO)stack, where the item most recently pushed onto the stack is thefirst to come off the stack.Syntax E & f # SHex 1B 26 66 # 53Dec 27 38 102 # 8where # = 0—Push (store cursor position)# = 1—Pop (recall cursor position).The # value of zero pushes the cursor position onto the stackand a value of one pops it off the stack and restores the cursorto the previous position.Control codes for cursor positioningThe following control code are used to move the cursor.Carriage Return (CR)CR (hexadecimal 0D, decimal 13) moves the cursor to the leftmargin on the current line.Space (SP)SP (hexadecimal 20, decimal 32) moves the cursor one columnto the right of the current position. If space is defined as aprintable character, the character is printed.3-34 XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER PROGRAMMER REFERENCE