XES COMMAND LANGUAGE MODEExample The percent symbol (%) is your current User-Defined Key andyou want to print the sentence: “The test is 85% accurate.” Enter:=UDK=*The test is 85% accurate.=UDK=%At the end of the sentence, the User-Defined Key is changedback to the percent symbol (%).Printing the sequence =UDK= as textTo print =UDK= within the text of your document, enter thecharacters in such a way that the printer does not perceive themas a command. The simplest way is as follows: Whenever youreach the point at which =UDK= is to be printed, interrupt thecharacter sequence with a Font ID Assignment command thatreselects whatever font you are now using.Example You are using the font which, in your Font ID Assignment, hasthe ID number 1 and your current User-Defined Key is theasterisk (*). To print the first phrase in the paragraph above,enter:To print =UDK*1= within the text of your document,With the sequence thus interrupted, the printer does notrecognise the characters as a command and prints them as text.Cancelling a User-Defined KeyA User-Defined Key is cancelled after the Reset command. It isalso cancelled whenever you reset the 4213 or switchemulations.If you are using a substitute escape character or User-DefinedKey, remember that it must be defined before it is used, thendefined again after a Reset. The Reset command cancels a UDK.Example To process a document, clear all settings, then start over, enterthe following:=UDK=##+P L(Fonts assigned)(Margin settings)(All other job contents)#+X L=UDK=##+P L(Contents of next job)XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER PROGRAMMER REFERENCE 2-7