OPERATION4. Enter the fax destination telephone number in the FaxNumber field and press Enter.The number you enter is dialed after the outside line prefixyou optionally specified during fax utility software installation.You may add outside access codes before the phone numberif you want to use them for this fax only, or if they were notspecified at installation.The fax software recognizes the following characters asaccess codes:Code Function0 through 9 Dialing numbers* and # Sound the tones correspondingto these keys on tone telephonesW Wait for dial tone, (comma) 2 second pause[ ] Square brackets protect internalaccounting codes, credit cardnumbers, and so forth. Anynumber placed within the squarebrackets gets dialed, but does notappear on the fax cover sheet orheader.N Note: You can enter other numbers from theAdvanced Fax Options menu to override the numbersentered during the installation program.5. You can select whether or not to send a cover page. If youwant to exclude the cover page, press F10 and skip to step11. If you wish to send a cover page, select Yes in theCover Page field and press Enter.The Fax Cover Page screen appears:XEROX MRP FAMILY FAX MODEM FOR MS-DOS OPERATOR GUIDE 2-3