3.6 Device-specific Settings3.6.4 Setting Machine-specific Motion Parameters3-453 Machine Controller Setup Absolute Position Detection SettingSet the maximum number of absolute encoder rotations for simple absolute infinite axis posi-tion management.The following parameters can be set after you set absolute position detection.* The following formula is used for the automatic calculation:No. Fixed ParameterNo. 1, bit 9 Simple Absolute Infinite Axis Position ManagementNo.38 Maximum Number of Absolute Encoder RotationsThe values that are set here are also saved in Pn205 (Multiturn Limit Setting).No. Item Description Simple Absolute Infinite Axis Posi-tion ManagementEnable or disable simple absolute infinite axis position manage-ment.This selection is enabled if an infinite-length axis is selected forthe axis type (2) in the Axis Type Setting Dialog Box. Auto*Automatically calculates the maximum number of absoluteencoder rotations.This button is enabled if the Managed Option was selected at(1).Maximum rotation amount of abso-lute encoder (Maximum Number ofAbsolute Encoder Rotations)Set the maximum number of absolute encoder rotations.If a finite-length axis is selected as the axis type (2) in the AxisType Setting Dialog Box, then this value can be set to a maxi-mum of 65,535. If an infinite-length axis is selected, the maxi-mum setting will be 65,534. Set Click this button to set the absolute position detection andreturn to the Fixed Parameter Setting Dialog Box. Cancel Click this button to return to the Fixed Parameter Setting DialogBox without setting the absolute position detection.Note