2.1 MP3200 Installation2.1.4 Installing Optional Modules2-112 Installation and Connections2.1.4 Installing Optional ModulesUse the following procedure to install Optional Modules.1. Hold the top and bottom of the Optional Module to be installed, line up the Module withthe left side of the guide rail inside the option slot, and then insert the Module straightin.2. After the Optional Module is completely inserted, place your hand on the front of theOptional Module and press the Optional Module firmly until it mates with the MountingBase connectors in the Unit. The front of the Optional Module and the tabs will bealigned if the Optional Module has been installed properly.3. Place the hole on the bottom of the panel of the Optional Module onto the tab on thebottom of the Unit. Next, hook the hole at the top of the panel of the Optional Moduleonto the tab on the Unit.This completes the installation procedure.The FG bar inside and on the bottom may be damaged if the Module is not inserted along theguide rail.Always use Option Covers (model: JEPMC-OP2300) to cover unused slots.Note4.;1764.;176;#5-#9#;#5-#9# /2/225#25#%27%27219'4219'4#%&#%&4&;4&;470470#./#./'44'44$#6$#6/#.//#./+2#&&4+2#&&4::::'2/'2/'2/'2/6'566'56/06/065959 5959.&.&.&.&+1+11010ψ10ψ1056125612'+0+6'+0+6+0+6+0+6%0()%0().1#&.1#&&456&45675$75$#%6+8'#%6+8'561256125#8'5#8'%0%0.-.-.-.-%.+0-#%6%.+0-#%6//%0%0%0%0'VJGTPGV'VJGTPGV*7$*7$1212/+++/+++;#5-#9#;#5-#9#25#25#219'4219'48888/2/2%27%27:: +2#&&4+2#&&4'2/'2/'2/'2/6'566'56/06/0656125612'+0+6'+0+6+0+6+0+6%0()%0().1#&.1#&&456&45675$75$#%6+8'#%6+8'561256125#8'5#8'1212'VJGTPGV'VJGTPGV%0%0%0%0%0%0.-.-.-.-:: 595959591010ψ10ψ104&;4&;470470#./#./'44'44$#6$#6/#.//#./#%&#%&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.& 470470 ((.&.& %0%0.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&/1&'/1&'.+1.+1++%0%0*7$*7$Note