5.1 Debugging Ladder Programs5.1.2 Register List Panes5-55 Debugging ProgramsExample of an M Register MapSwitching the Register Map DisplayYou can change the number of registers that is displayed in one row. You can use the five but-tons on the top right to switch the displayed contents of the register map. Number of Registers Displayed in One RowYou can set the number of registers displayed in a row to between 1 and 16 either by directnumeric input or by selection from a list. For bit registers, the number is always 16 and cannotbe changed. If you select Automatic, the number of displayed registers will be set automati-cally based on the size of the Register List Pane. Monitor ON ( )/OFF ( ) ButtonThis button is enabled only in Online Mode. Click this button to turn monitoring ON and OFF.When monitoring is ON, the register data will be updated and displayed continuously. Whenmonitoring is OFF, the data will not be updated. Register Map Show ( )/Hide ( ) ButtonClick this button to show and hide the register map.Show mode: Registers that are used in the ladder program are displayed with a green back-ground, and registers that are used for more than one data type are displayed witha red background.Hide mode: All registers are displayed with a white background.• If you move the cursor over the register map, a balloon will show the register and the status ofthe register at the cursor position.• You can change the number of registers displayed in one row. The five buttons on the top rightof the pane are used to switch the displayed contents.• If you right-click the register list, you can select Decimal, Hex, Binary, or ASCII from the pop-up menu to change the data type of the values. However, the B and F data types cannot bechanged.• The display color alternate between blue and black for every other row.• The Monitor Icon is enabled only when the Machine Controller is online.NoteNumber of registers displayed in one row