5.2 Motor Performance Fine Tuning178 YASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP C710606 09B YASKAWA AC Drive V1000 Installation & Start-Up ManualNote: Use slip compensation to improve speed precision in V/f Control. First make sure that the propervalues have been set for the motor rated current to E2-01, motor rated slip (E2-02), and motorno-load current (E2-03). Next, adjust the slip compensation gain set to C3-01 so that it isbetween 0.5 to 1.5.◆ Open Loop Vector (OLV) Motor Control Method TuningTable 5.2 Parameters for Tuning the Drive in OLV Motor Control Method<1> Default settings change when the Control Method is changed (A1-02) or a different V/f pattern is selected usingparmaeter E1-03. The default setting shown is for V/f Control.Problem Parameter No. Countermeasure DefaultValueSuggested Setting• Poor motor torque and speedresponse• Control motor hunting andoscillation at speeds between10 and 40 Hz.AFR Gain(n2-01)• If motor torque and speed response are tooslow, gradually decrease the setting by0.05.• If motor hunting and oscillation occur,gradually increase the setting by 0.50 to 2.00• Poor motor torque and speedresponse• Control motor hunting andoscillation at speeds between10 and 40 Hz.AFR TimeConstant 1(n2-02)• To improve motor torque speed response,gradually reduce this setting by10 ms and check the performance.• If motor hunting and oscillation occur as aresult of load inertia, gradually increasethe setting by 50 ms and check theperformance. Note: Ensure that n2-02 ≤n2-03. When making adjustments to n2-02, set C4-02 (Torque CompensationPrimary Delay Time Constant 1)accordingly.50 ms 50 to 2000ms• Overvoltage trips whenaccelerating, decelerating, orduring sudden speed or loadchanges.AFR TimeConstant 2(n2-03)• If overvoltage trips occur, graduallyincrease this setting by 50 ms.• If response is slow, gradually reduce thissetting by 10 ms. Note: Ensure that n2-02≤ n2-03. When making adjustments to n2-03, increase the value ofC4-06 (Torque Compensation PrimaryDelay Time 2) proportionally.750 ms 750 to 2000ms• Poor motor torque and speedresponse• Motor hunting andoscillation.TorqueCompensationPrimary DelayTime Constant 1(C4-02)• To improve motor torque speed response,gradually reduce this setting by 2 ms andcheck the performance.• If motor hunting and oscillation occur,gradually increase this setting by 10 ms.Note: Ensure that C4-02 ≤ C4-06. Whenmaking adjustments to C4-02, increase n2-02 (AFR Time Constant) proportionally.20 ms<1>20 to 100ms