5-27ELEC Electrical systemUsing the digital testerThe electrical technical data apply to themeasurements taken using the Yamaha-rec-ommended tester.The resistance values shown are the valuestaken before the engine is started. The actualresistance may vary depending on the envi-ronmental conditions and ambient tempera-ture.The input voltage changes depending on thebattery voltage.If the tester probe cannot be inserted into thecoupler, prepare a test lead suitable for themeasurement.Engine control system andcomponentChecking the main relay1. Remove the intake manifold (STBD).See “Removing the intake manifold” (6-17).2. Remove the fuse cover and relay cover,and then remove the main relay 1.NOTICE: Be careful not to damage therelay.3. Connect the positive battery lead to theterminal a, connect the negative batterylead to the terminal b, and then checkfor continuity between the terminals cand d. Replace the relay if there is nocontinuity. NOTICE: Do not reverse thebattery leads.4. Measure the input voltage between theterminal e and ground, and the terminalf and ground.Digital circuit tester: 90890-03174Test lead:Terminal, male 1: (commerciallyavailable)Terminal, female 2: (commerciallyavailable)1 2Battery lead Terminalc dConnect CCCC CCCCDisconnectMain relay input voltage:Terminal e–GroundTerminal f–Ground12.0 V (battery voltage)1abdcef