10-410Predelivery checkTo make the delivery process smooth andefficient, complete the predelivery checks asexplained in the following procedures.Checking battery (for electric startmodels)Battery electrolyte is dangerous; it con-tains sulfuric acid, which is poisonousand highly caustic. Always follow thesepreventive measures:• Avoid bodily contact with electrolyte asit can cause severe burns or permanenteye injury.• Wear protective eye gear when handlingor working near batteries.Antidote (EXTERNAL):• SKIN – Wash with water.• EYES – Flush with water for 15 minutesand get immediate medical attention.Antidote (INTERNAL):• Drink large quantities of water or milkfollowed with milk of magnesia, beatenegg, or vegetable oil. Get immediatemedical attention.Batteries produce explosive, hydrogengas. Always follow these preventive mea-sures:• Charge batteries in a well-ventilatedarea.• Keep batteries away from fire, sparks, oropen flames (for example, weldingequipment and lighted cigarettes).• DO NOT SMOKE when charging or han-dling batteries.KEEP BATTERIES AND ELECTROLYTEOUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.1. Check the battery electrolyte level. If thelevel is at or below the minimum levelmark a, add distilled water until the levelis between the maximum and minimumlevel marks.2. Check the specific gravity of the electro-lyte. Fully charge the battery if belowspecification.TIP:• Batteries vary depending on the manufac-turer. The procedures mentioned in thismanual may not always apply. Therefore,see the instruction manual of the battery.• Disconnect the negative battery cable first,and then disconnect the positive batterycable.• For more information about the batteryrequirements, see “Extension length rec-ommendation for battery cable” (3-28).Checking the cooling water pilothole1. Start the engine, and then check thatcooling water is discharged from thecooling water pilot hole.Representative examples:Recommended battery capacity:CCA/EN: 711.0 A20 HR/IEC: 100.0 AhElectrolyte specific gravity:1.280 at 20 °C (68 °F)aOutline / Predelivery check