7-1275. Install the cover 7 and aprons 8.TIP:Make sure that the ground lead a is routedthrough the gap between the aprons and isnot pinched.6. Connect the PTT relay terminals b, andthen tighten the PTT relay terminal bolts9 to the specified torque.7. Install the caps 0, and then fasten thePTT motor lead c using the plastic tie Aand holders B.TIP:To fasten the PTT motor lead, see “Wiringharness routing” (5-6).8. Connect the cooling water hose C, andthen fasten it using the clamp D.9. Fasten the cooling water hose C usingthe holder E.10. Connect the neutral switch coupler d,and then install the neutral switch couplerto the bracket F.11. Connect the shift cut switch coupler e.12. Fasten the neutral switch lead and wiringharness using the holder G and H.13. Install a new O-ring and the dipstickguide I, and then install the dipstick J.14. Install the intake manifold (STBD). See“Installing the intake manifold” (6-18).PTT relay terminal bolt 9:4 N·m (0.4 kgf·m, 3.0 ft·lb)878aSTBD9bb0 0BAcBGHIJE C DFedPower unit assembly