LOWR Lower unit8-103È Backlash measurement (BL2)É Shim thickness adjustmentTIP:• If the shim thickness adjustment value ispositive, the current shim thickness mustbe increased by that amount and, if thevalue is negative, the current shim thick-ness must be decreased by that amount.• The gray-colored area on the selectionchart indicates the range of the specifiedbacklash. Shimming is not required if themeasured backlash is within the gray-col-ored area.• The values for the shim thickness adjust-ments specified in the selection chart areintended to obtain the median value withinthe range for the specified forward gearbacklash.• The table that follows the selection chartshows the shim thickness adjustments forthe points marked on the chart.5. Calculate the new forward gear shim (T2)thickness.Calculation formula:New forward gear shim (T2) thickness =Current forward gear shim thickness +Shim thickness adjustmentExample:Use the following formula when the shimthickness adjustment value is negative.Current forward gear shim thickness = 1.12mmShim thickness adjustment = –0.20 mmNew forward gear shim (T2) thickness = 1.12mm + (–0.20) mm = 0.92 mmTIP:• Use the least number of shims to obtain therequired shim thickness.• If the calculated shim thickness cannot beobtained with a combination of the avail-able shims, increase the shim thickness by0.01 mm.6. Install the determined forward gearshims (T2), and then assemble the pro-peller shaft housing assembly. See steps7–10 in “Assembling the propeller shafthousing assembly” (8-74).–0.45 –0.42 0.180.150 5 80 85 900.200–0.20–0.40–0.60 0 5 80 85 90ÈÉÉ (mm)È (1/100 mm)baAvailable shim thicknesses:0.10, 0.12, 0.15, 0.18, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50mm