7-53POWR Power unitTIP:Slightly turn the driven sprockets in directionb to remove any free play c before tighten-ing the driven sprocket bolts J.11. Install the dowels K and VCT assem-blies L.12. Check that the lower edges d and e ofthe VCT assemblies and driven sprock-ets are aligned.13. Secure the intake camshaft using awrench I, and then tighten the VCTbolts M to the specified torque. NOTICE:When tightening the VCT bolt, do notsecure the driven sprocket. Other-wise, the VCT assembly could bedamaged. When tightening the VCTbolt, do not turn the intake camshaft.Otherwise, the intake and exhaustvalves could collide with each otherand be damaged.Driven sprocket bolt J:60 N·m (6.0 kgf·m, 44.3 ft·lb)PORTbH c GSTBDbcGHJJIHGHd ePORTfgSTBDfg