Periodic maintenance and adjustment8-2612345678910111213cants for the drive chain, as theymay contain substances thatcould damage the O-rings.[ECA11112]EAU23098Checking and lubricating thecablesThe operation of all control cables andthe condition of the cables should bechecked before each ride, and the ca-bles and cable ends should be lubricat-ed if necessary. If a cable is damagedor does not move smoothly, have aYamaha dealer check or replace it.WARNING! Damage to the outerhousing of cables may result in in-ternal rusting and cause interfer-ence with cable movement. Replacedamaged cables as soon as possi-ble to prevent unsafe condi-tions.[EWA10712]EAU82490Checking and lubricating thethrottle gripThe operation of the throttle grip shouldbe checked before each ride. In addi-tion, the throttle grip housing should belubricated by a Yamaha dealer at theintervals specified in the periodic main-tenance chart.Recommended lubricant:Yamaha cable lubricant or other suit-able cable lubricant