Instrument and control functions5-612345678910111213EAU88280Turn signal indicator lights “ ” and“ ”Each indicator light will flash when itscorresponding turn signal lights areflashing.EAU88300Neutral indicator light “ ”This indicator light comes on when thetransmission is in the neutral position.EAU88310High beam indicator light “ ”This indicator light comes on when thehigh beam of the headlight is switchedon.EAU91650Cruise control indicator lights “ ”/“ ”These indicator lights come on whenthe cruise control system is activated.(See page 4-6.)TIPWhen the vehicle is turned on, theselights should come on for a few sec-onds and then go off. Otherwise, havea Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.EAU88550Engine trouble warning light “ ”This warning light comes on if a prob-lem is detected in the engine. If this oc-curs, have a Yamaha dealer check theon-board diagnostic system.TIPWhen the vehicle is turned on, this lightshould come on for a few seconds andthen go off. Otherwise, have a Yamahadealer check the vehicle.EAU91500ABS warning light “ ”In normal operation, the ABS warninglight comes on when the vehicle isturned on, and goes off after travelingat a speed of 5 km/h (3 mi/h) or higher.TIPIf the warning light does not work as de-scribed above, or if the warning lightcomes on while riding, the ABS may notwork correctly. Have a Yamaha dealercheck the vehicle as soon as possible.WARNINGEWA21120If the ABS warning light does not turnoff after reaching 5 km/h (3 mi/h), or ifthe warning light comes on while rid-ing: Use extra caution to avoid pos-sible wheel lock during emer-gency braking. Have a Yamaha dealer check thevehicle as soon as possible.EAU67434Shift indicator light “ ”This indicator light comes on when it istime to shift to the next higher gear. Theengine speeds at which it comes on orgoes off can be adjusted. (Seepage 5-22.)TIPWhen the vehicle is turned on, this lightshould come on for a few seconds andthen go off. If the light does not comeon, or if the light remains on, have aYamaha dealer check the vehicle.EAU88350Immobilizer system indicator light“ ”When the main switch is turned off and30 seconds have passed, the indicator