Instrument and control functions5-1912345678910111213TIP The traction control system canonly be turned off completely viathe main screen using the “MODE”switch and MODE up “ ” switch.See “Turning off the traction con-trol system” on page 5-16. When the traction control systemhas been turned off; TCS, SCSand LIF will be set to OFF and can-not be adjusted. When the tractioncontrol system is turned on again,these related-traction control func-tions will return to their previoussetting levels.SCSSCS can be set to OFF, 1, 2, and 3.OFF turns the slide control system off,setting level 1 provides the least sys-tem intervention, and setting level 3provides the most system intervention.Quick shifterThe quick shifter is divided into QS(upshift) and QS (downshift) sec-tions. QS and QS are not linkedand can be independently turned on oroff.OFF turns the respective upshift ordownshift function off, and the clutch le-ver must then be used when shifting inthat direction.LIFLIF can be set to 1, 2, 3, or OFF. Settinglevel 3 most strongly reduces wheel lift,and setting level 1 provides the leastsystem intervention. OFF turns LIF off.EBMThis system has two settings. Level 1provides the least system intervention,and therefore the strongest enginebraking. Level 2 provides the most sys-tem intervention, and therefore theleast engine braking.BCSelect BC1 when only standard ABS isdesired. Select BC2 to have the brake1. System intervention2. Lean angle1TCS2154321. System intervention2. Sideward slide1321SCS21. System intervention2. Wheel lift1321LIF2