Periodic maintenance and adjustment8-1212345678910111213TIPAn oil filter wrench is available at aYamaha dealer.5. Apply a thin coat of clean engineoil to the O-ring of the new oil filtercartridge.TIPMake sure that the O-ring is properlyseated.6. Install a new oil filter cartridge, andthen tighten to the specifiedtorque.7. Install the engine oil drain bolt andits new gasket, and then tightenthe bolt to the specified torque.8. Refill with the specified amount ofthe recommended engine oil.TIPWipe off any spilled oil before startingthe engine.9. Check the O-ring for damage, andthen install the oil filler cap.1. Oil filter cartridge2. Oil filter wrench121. O-ring1. Torque wrench11Tightening torque:Oil filter cartridge:17 N·m (1.7 kgf·m, 13 lb·ft)Tightening torque:Engine oil drain bolt:23 N·m (2.3 kgf·m, 17 lb·ft)