Instrument and control functions5-17123456789101112132. While the information display itemis flashing, rotate the wheel switchupward. The lap timer will flash forfive seconds.3. While the lap timer is flashing, longpush the wheel switch to activatethe lap timer or stop the lap timer.4. When the lap timer has been acti-vated and the headlight is set onlow beam, push the switch downtowards “PASS” to flash the highbeam and start the timer.TIP The engine must be running to usethe lap timer. Set the information display toFASTEST or AVERAGE for addi-tional lap time information. Accessing the MENU screen willautomatically stop the lap timer. Whenever the lap timer is stopped,the current lap will not be record-ed. The lap time record can be viewedand reset from the MENU screen.EAU93645MENU screenThe MENU main screen contains thefollowing setting modules.MENU access and operationAccess the MENU by pressing andholding the wheel switch (long push)while the vehicle is not in motion.Rotate the wheel switch up or down tohighlight modules/items or increase/de-crease values.Briefly press the wheel switch inward(short push) to select menus items andconfirm setting values.Press and hold the wheel switch (longpush) until the screen returns to themain display to exit the MENU at anytime.TIP Certain menu screens have an up-ward pointing triangle mark item.Select the triangle mark to savesettings changes and exit the cur-rent screen. Should vehicle motion be detect-ed, the screen will automaticallyModule DescriptionDisplay ModeSwitch the display betweenSTREET MODE andTRACK MODEYRC Setting Adjust YRC settingsLap Time View and reset lap timesMaintenanceView and resetmaintenance intervaltripmetersUnit Set fuel consumption anddistance unitsWallpaper Set display backgroundcolorsShift IndicatorTurn the shift indicator on/off and adjust tachometersettingsDisplay Setting Select the informationdisplay groupingsYRC SettingLap TimeMaintenanceUnitWallpaperDisplay ModeMENUkm/h GPS 10:00Brightness Adjust screen brightnessGrip WarmerSettingAdjust grip warmer presets(if equipped)Clock Adjust the clockAll Reset Return all settings tofactory defaults