Instrument and control functions5-3412345678910111213To set the spring preload, turn the ad-juster in direction (b) until it stops, andthen count the turns in direction (a).TIPWhen turning the spring preload adjust-er in direction (a), it may turn beyondthe stated specifications, however suchadjustments are ineffective and maydamage the suspension.Rebound damping forceTurn the adjusting bolt in direction (a) toincrease the rebound damping force.Turn the adjusting bolt in direction (b) todecrease the rebound damping force.To set the rebound damping force, turnthe adjuster in direction (a) until it stops,and then count the clicks in direction(b).TIP When turning the damping forceadjuster in direction (a), the 0 clickposition and the 1 click positionmay be the same. When turning the damping forceadjuster in direction (b), it may clickbeyond the stated specifications,however such adjustments are in-effective and may damage thesuspension.Compression damping forceTurn the adjusting bolt in direction (a) toincrease the compression dampingforce.Turn the adjusting bolt in direction (b) todecrease the compression dampingforce.To set the compression damping force,turn the adjuster in direction (a) until itstops, and then count the clicks in di-rection (b).1. Spring preload adjusting nutSpring preload setting:Minimum (soft):0 turn(s) in direction (a)Standard:9 turn(s) in direction (a)Maximum (hard):15 turn(s) in direction (a)111(a(a)(a) (b(b)(b)1. Rebound damping force adjusting boltRebound damping setting:Minimum (soft):14 click(s) in direction (b)Standard:6 click(s) in direction (b)Maximum (hard):1 click(s) in direction (b)111(a(a)(a) (b(b)(b)