Special features4-412345678910111213BC2 uses additional data from the IMUto regulate applied brake power whencornering to suppress lateral wheel slip.WARNINGEWA20891The brake control system is not asubstitute for the use of proper rid-ing and braking techniques. Thebrake control system cannot pre-vent all loss of traction due toover-braking from excessive speed,or lateral wheel slip when braking onslippery surfaces.EAU93670GlossaryABS - Anti-lock Brake SystemABS ECU - Anti-lock Brake SystemElectronic Control UnitBC - Brake ControlEBM - Engine Brake ManagementECU - Engine Control UnitIMU - Inertial Measurement UnitLIF - Lift Control SystemPWR - Power delivery modeSC - Stability ControlSCS - Slide Control SystemYRC - Yamaha Ride ControlABSBC1/BC2 BC2 BC2