Motorcycle care and storage9-312345678910111213steel parts. Often the thermally in-duced discoloring of stainless steelexhaust systems can be removedthrough polishing.4. Apply a corrosion protection sprayon all metal parts including chromeor nickel-plated surfaces.WARNING! Do not applysilicone or oil spray to seats,hand grips, rubber foot pegs ortire treads. Otherwise theseparts will become slippery,which could cause loss of con-trol. Thoroughly clean the sur-faces of these parts beforeoperating the vehicle.[EWA20651]5. Treat rubber, vinyl, and unpaintedplastic parts with a suitable careproduct.6. Touch up minor paint damagecaused by stones, etc.7. Wax all painted surfaces using anon-abrasive wax or use a detailspray for motorcycles.8. When finished cleaning, start theengine and let it idle for severalminutes to help dry any remainingmoisture.9. If the headlight lens has fogged up,start the engine and turn on theheadlight to help remove the mois-ture.10. Let the vehicle dry completely be-fore storing or covering it.NOTICEECA26320 Do not apply wax to rubber orunpainted plastic parts. Do not use abrasive polishingcompounds as they will wearaway the paint. Apply sprays and wax sparing-ly. Wipe off excess afterwards.WARNINGEWA20660Contaminants left on the brakes ortires can cause loss of control. Make sure there is no lubricantor wax on the brakes or tires. If necessary, wash the tires withwarm water and a mild deter-gent. If necessary, clean the brakediscs and pads with brakecleaner or acetone. Before riding at higher speeds,test the vehicle’s braking perfor-mance and cornering behavior.EAU83450Cleaning the titanium mufflerThis model is equipped with a titaniummuffler which requires special care.Use only a soft cloth or sponge andmild detergent with water to clean themuffler. This should remove finger-prints and other oil stains. If necessary,an alkaline pH cleaning product andsoft brush may be used. However, donot use abrasive compounds or specialtreatments to clean the muffler, asthese will wear away the protective fin-ish.TIPThe thermally induced discoloring ofthe exhaust pipe leading into the titani-um muffler is normal and cannot be re-moved.