Instrument and control functions5-1112345678910111213gine to cool.NOTICEECA10022Do not continue to operate the en-gine if it is overheating.Oil pressure warning “ ”This icon appears when the engine oilpressure is low. When the vehicle isfirst turned on, engine oil pressure hasyet to build, so this icon will come onand stay on until the engine has beenstarted.TIPIf a malfunction is detected, the oil pres-sure warning icon will flash repeatedly.NOTICEECA26410Do not continue to operate the en-gine if the oil pressure is low.Fuel level warning “ ”This icon comes on when approximate-ly 4.0 L (1.06 US gal, 0.88 offuel remains in the tank.Error mode warning “Err”When an internal error occurs (e.g.,communication with a system controllerhas been cut off), the error mode warn-ing will appear as follows.“Err” and “ ” indicates an ECU error.“Err” only indicates an ABS ECU error.TIPDepending on the nature of the error,the display may not function properlyand YRC settings may be impossible tochange. Additionally, ABS may notfunction properly. Use extra care whenbraking and have a Yamaha dealercheck the vehicle immediately.Information displayThe information display items are:A.TEMP: air temperatureC.TEMP: coolant temperatureTRIP-1: tripmeter 1TRIP-2: tripmeter 2F-TRIP: fuel reserve tripmeterODO: odometer“ ”: cruise control speed settingFUEL AVG: average fuel consumptionCRNT FUEL: current fuel consumptionFUEL CON: the amount of fuel con-sumedTIPTRIP-1, TRIP-2, F-TRIP, FUEL CON,and FUEL AVG items can be individu-ally reset.The display items are grouped into 4customizable pairs (DISPLAY 1-4). InTRACK MODE only a single item canbe displayed at a time. (Seepage 5-25.)Rotating the wheel switch above cyclesthe DISPLAY groups in order:STREET MODE: DISPLAY-1 DISPLAY-2 DISPLAY-3 DIS-PLAY-4 Grip warmer function TRACK MODE: FASTEST AV-ERAGE Grip warmer function DISPLAY-1 DISPLAY-2 DIS-PLAY-3 DISPLAY-4 TIPThe grip warmer function will only bedisplayed if equipped on the vehicle.(See page 5-15.)