EC050000TO THE NEW OWNERThis manual will provide you with a good basicunderstanding of features, operation, andbasic maintenance and inspection items of thismachine. Please read this manual carefullyand completely before operating your newmachine. If you have any questions regardingthe operation or maintenance of your machine,please consult your Yamaha dealer.NOTE:This manual should be considered a perma-nent part of this machine and should remainwith it even if the machine is subsequentlysold.EC060000NOTICESome data in this manual may become out-dated due to improvements made to thismodel in the future. If there is any questionyou have regarding this manual or yourmachine, please consult your Yamahadealer.EC070001F.I.M. MACHINE WEIGHTS:Weights of machines without fuelThe minimum weights for motocrossmachines are:for the class 125 cc....................... minimum88 kg (194 lb)for the class 250 cc....................... minimum98 kg (216 lb)for the class 500 cc....................... minimum102 kg (225 lb)In modifying your machine (e.g., for weightreduction), take note of the above limits ofweight.