The start signal starts a definite time delay. If the value of the start signal is logicalTRUE for longer than the set time delay, the undervoltage step sets its trip signal tological TRUE.This undervoltage functionality together with additional ACT logic can be used toprovide functionality for overcurrent protection with undervoltage seal-in.8.10.8 Technical dataTable 153:VRPVOC technical dataFunction Range or value AccuracyStart overcurrent (2 - 5000)% of IBase ± 1.0% of Ir at Ir± 1.0% of I at I>IrDefinite time delay (0.00 - 6000.00) s ± 0.5% ± 25 msInversecharacteristics, seetable 574, table 575and table 57613 curve types ANSI/IEEE C37.112IEC 60255–151±3% or ±40 ms0.10 ≤ k ≤ 3.001.5 x Iset ≤ I ≤ 20 x IsetOperate time startovercurrent30 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Iset20 ms typically at 0 to 10 x Iset-Reset time startovercurrent40 ms typically at 2 to 0 x Iset -Start undervoltage (2.0 - 100.0)% of UBase ± 0.5% of UrOperate time startundervoltage30 ms typically 2 to 0 x Uset -Reset time startundervoltage40 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Uset -High voltage limit,voltage dependentoperation(30 - 100)% of UBase ± 1.0% of UrReset ratio,overcurrent> 95% -Reset ratio,undervoltage< 105% -Overcurrent:Critical impulse timeImpulse margin time10 ms typically at 0 to 2 x Iset15 ms typically-1MRK 502 048-UEN A Section 8Current protection255Technical manual