13.9.5 SettingsTable 343:TEIGGIO Group settings (basic)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionOperation 0 - 1 - 1 1 Operation Off / OntWarning 1.00 - 999999.99 s 0.01 600.00 Time limit for warning supervisiontAlarm 1.00 - 999999.99 s 0.01 1200.00 Time limit for alarm supervision13.9.6 Operation principleThe elapsed time integrator (TEIGGIO) provides• time integration, accumulating the elapsed time when a given binary signal hasbeen high.• blocking and reset.• supervision of limit transgression and overflow.• retaining of the integrated value if any warning, alarm or overflow occurs.Figure 234 describes the simplified logic of the function where the block “TimeIntegration“ covers the logics for the first two items listed above while the block“Transgression Supervision Plus Retain“ contains the logics for the last two.Time IntegrationTransgression SupervisionPlus RetainBLOCKACCTIMERESETINtAlarm OVERFLOWWARNINGALARMIEC12000195-2-en.vsdLoop DelayLoop DelaytWarningtOverflowIEC12000195 V2 ENFigure 234: TEIGGIO Simplified logicTEIGGIO main functionalities are• integrate the elapsed time when IN has been high1MRK 502 048-UEN A Section 13Logic467Technical manual