Name of input Type Default Description Value whenactivatedValue whendeactivatedIN10 BOOLEAN 0 Input 10 512 0IN11 BOOLEAN 0 Input 11 1024 0IN12 BOOLEAN 0 Input 12 2048 0IN13 BOOLEAN 0 Input 13 4096 0IN14 BOOLEAN 0 Input 14 8192 0IN15 BOOLEAN 0 Input 15 16384 0IN16 BOOLEAN 0 Input 16 32768 0The sum of the numbers in column “Value when activated” when all INx (where1≤x≤16) are active that is=1; is 65535. 65535 is the highest boolean value that can beconverted to an integer by the B16IFCVI function block.13.7 Integer to boolean 16 conversion IB16A13.7.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberInteger to boolean 16 conversion IB16A - -13.7.2 FunctionalityInteger to boolean 16 conversion function IB16A is used to transform an integer intoa set of 16 binary (logical) signals.13.7.3 Function blockIB16ABLOCKINPOUT1OUT2OUT3OUT4OUT5OUT6OUT7OUT8OUT9OUT10OUT11OUT12OUT13OUT14OUT15OUT16IEC09000036-1-en.vsdIEC09000036 V1 ENFigure 231: IB16A function blockSection 13 1MRK 502 048-UEN ALogic460Technical manual