Name Type DescriptionHMICTR6 INTEGER Bitmask output 6 to local remote LHMI inputHMICTR7 INTEGER Bitmask output 7 to local remote LHMI inputHMICTR8 INTEGER Bitmask output 8 to local remote LHMI inputHMICTR9 INTEGER Bitmask output 9 to local remote LHMI inputHMICTR10 INTEGER Bitmask output 10 to local remote LHMI inputHMICTR11 INTEGER Bitmask output 11 to local remote LHMI inputHMICTR12 INTEGER Bitmask output 12 to local remote LHMI input12.2.7.5 SettingsThe function does not have any parameters available in Local HMI or Protection andControl IED Manager (PCM600).12.2.8 Select release SELGGIO12.2.8.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberSelect release SELGGIO - - Function blockSELGGIOSELECT1SELECT2SELECT3SELECT4SELECT5SELECT6SELECT7SELECT8SELECT9SELECT10SELECT11SELECT12SELECT13SELECT14SELECT15SELECT16RESERVEDIEC09000084_1_en.vsdIEC09000084 V1 ENFigure 173: SELGGIO function block12.2.8.3 SignalsTable 231:SELGGIO Input signalsName Type Default DescriptionSELECT1 BOOLEAN 0 Select signal of control 1SELECT2 BOOLEAN 0 Select signal of control 2SELECT3 BOOLEAN 0 Select signal of control 3Table continues on next page1MRK 502 048-UEN A Section 12Control347Technical manual