The total recording time, tRecording, of a recorded disturbance is:tRecording =PreFaultrecT + tFault +PostFaultrecT orPreFaultrecT +TimeLimit, depending on whichcriterion stops the current disturbance recordingPreFaultRecTTimeLimitPostFaultRecTen05000487.vsd1 2 3Trig pointIEC05000487 V1 ENFigure 255: The recording times definitionPreFaultRecT, 1 Pre-fault or pre-trigger recording time. The time before the fault including the operatetime of the trigger. Use the settingPreFaultRecT to set this time.tFault, 2 Fault time of the recording. The fault time cannot be set. It continues as long as anyvalid trigger condition, binary or analog, persists (unless limited byTimeLimit the limittime).PostFaultRecT, 3 Post fault recording time. The time the disturbance recording continues after allactivated triggers are reset. Use the settingPostFaultRecT to set this time.TimeLimit Limit time. The maximum allowed recording time after the disturbance recording wastriggered. The limit time is used to eliminate the consequences of a trigger that doesnot reset within a reasonable time interval. It limits the maximum recording time of arecording and prevents subsequent overwriting of already stored disturbances. Usethe settingTimeLimit to set this time. Analog signalsUp to 40 analog signals can be selected for recording by the Disturbance recorder andtriggering of the Disturbance report function. Out of these 40, 30 are reserved forexternal analog signals from analog input modules via preprocessing function blocks(SMAI) and summation block (3PHSUM). The last 10 channels may be connected tointernally calculated analog signals available as function block output signals (phasedifferential currents, bias currents and so on).1MRK 502 048-UEN A Section 14Monitoring531Technical manual