• Definite time delay or Inverse Time Overcurrent (TOC/IDMT) delay forboth steps• Second harmonic supervision is available in order to only allowoperation of the overcurrent stage(s) if the content of the secondharmonic in the measured current is lower than pre-set level• Directional supervision is available in order to only allow operation ofthe overcurrent stage(s) if the fault location is in the pre-set direction(Forward or Reverse). Its behavior during low-level polarizing voltage issettable (Non-Directional, Block, Memory)• Voltage restrained/controlled feature is available in order to modify thepick-up level of the overcurrent stage(s) in proportion to the magnitudeof the measured voltage• Current restrained feature is available in order to only allow operation ofthe overcurrent stage(s) if the measured current quantity is bigger thanthe set percentage of the current restrain quantity.2. Two undercurrent steps with the following built-in features:• Definite time delay for both steps3. Two overvoltage steps with the following built-in features• Definite time delay or Inverse Time Overcurrent TOC/IDMT delay forboth steps4. Two undervoltage steps with the following built-in features• Definite time delay or Inverse Time Overcurrent TOC/IDMT delay forboth stepsAll these four protection elements within one general protection function worksindependently from each other and they can be individually enabled or disabled.However, note that all these four protection elements measure one selected currentquantity and one selected voltage quantity (see table 20 and table 21). It is possibleto simultaneously use all four protection elements and their individual stages.Sometimes, it is necessary to provide interaction between two or more protectionelements/stages within one CVGAPC function by appropriate IED configuration toobtain desired application functionality. Current and voltage selection for CVGAPC function SEMOD53443-6 v4CVGAPC function is always connected to three-phase current and three-phasevoltage input in the configuration tool, but it will always measure only the singlecurrent and the single voltage quantity selected by the end user in the setting tool.The user can select a current input, by a setting parameter CurrentInput, to measureone of the current quantities shown in table 20.Section 11 1MRK 511 407-UEN CMultipurpose protection190 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 IECApplication manual