breaker could have three-phase tripping and autoreclosing. In the case of apermanent fault, only one of the breakers has to be operated when the fault isenergized a second time. In the event of a transient fault the slave breaker performsa three-phase reclosing onto the non-faulted line.The same philosophy can be used for two-phase tripping and autoreclosing.To prevent closing of a circuit breaker after a trip, the function offers a lockoutfunction. Three-phase tripping M14828-7 v10Connect the inputs from the protection functions to the input TRIN. The TMGAPCfunction block is used to combine up to 32 inputs into one output. Connect theoutput TRIP to the binary outputs on the IO board.This signal can also be used for other purposes internally in the IED. An examplecould be the starting of breaker failure protection. The three outputs TRL1, TRL2,TRL3 will always be activated at every trip and can be utilized on individual tripoutputs if single-phase operating devices are available on the circuit breaker evenwhen a three-phase tripping scheme is selected.Set the function block to Program = 3 phase and set the required length of the trippulse to for example, tTripMin = 150ms.The typical connection is shown below in figure 79.BLOCKBLKLKOUTTRINTRINL1TRINL2TRINL3PSL1PSL2PSL31PTRZ1PTREFP3PTRSETLKOUTRSTLKOUTSTDIRTRIPSMPPTRCTRL1TRL2TRL3TR1PTR2PTR3PCLLKOUTSTARTSTL1STL2STL3FWREVProtection functions with 3 phasetrip, for example time delayedovercurrent protectionTMAGAPCSTNIEC05000544-4-en.vsdxIEC05000544 V4 EN-USFigure 79: Tripping logic SMPPTRC is used for a simple three-phase trippingapplicationSection 15 1MRK 511 407-UEN CLogic228 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 IECApplication manual