BLOCKBLKLKOUTTRINTRINL1TRINL2TRINL3PSL1PSL2PSL31PTRZ1PTREFP3PTRSETLKOUTRSTLKOUTSTDIRTRIPSMPPTRCTRL1TRL2TRL3TR1PTR2PTR3PCLLKOUTSTARTSTL1STL2STL3FWREVPhase segregated trip L1, L2 and L3from example line differential ordistance protectionPhase selection L1, L2 and L3 fromexternal phase selection logicTrip by communication scheme ofdistance protection if required toprovide a single pole tripTrip by communication scheme ofearth fault protection if required toprovide single pole tripTo activate lockout for any tripTo reset lockoutProtection functions with 3phase trip, for example timedelayed overcurrent protectionORTo prepare 3 phase tripfor any trip signalSMBRRECPREP3PTR3PSTNIEC05000545-5-en.vsdxIEC05000545 V5 EN-USFigure 80: The trip logic function SMPPTRC used for single-phase trippingapplication15.1.2.3 Single-, two- or three-phase tripping M14828-15 v5The single-/two-/three-phase tripping mode provides single-phase tripping forsingle-phase faults, two-phase tripping for two-phase faults and three-phasetripping for three-phase faults. The operating mode is always used together with anautoreclosing scheme with setting ARMode = 1/2/3 ph or ARMode = 1/2 ph.The functionality is very similar to the single-phase scheme described above.However, in addition to the connections for single phase SMBRREC must also beinformed that the trip is two phases by connecting the output TR2P to the inputTR2P in the SMBRREC function. Lock-out M14828-18 v6The SMPPTRC function block is provided with possibilities to initiate lock-out.The lock-out can be set to only activate the block closing output CLLKOUT orinitiate the block closing output and also maintain the trip signal output TR3P(latched trip).Section 15 1MRK 511 407-UEN CLogic230 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 IECApplication manual