SetValue: This setting is used to set the reference value for comparison whensetting RefSource is selected as Set Value. If this setting value is less than 0.2% ofthe set unit then the output INLOW will never pickup.RefPrefix: This setting is used to set the unit of the reference value for comparisonwhen setting RefSource is selected as SetValue. It has 5 unit selections and they areMilli, Unity, Kilo, Mega and Giga.EqualBandHigh: This setting is used to set the equal condition high band limit in %of reference value. This high band limit will act as reset limit for INHIGH outputwhen INHIGH.EqualBandLow: This setting is used to set the equal condition low band limit in %of reference value. This low band limit will act as reset limit for INLOW outputwhen INLOW.15.14.4 Setting example GUID-E7070CF6-B44B-4799-BE18-5C75B9FE2A87 v2Let us consider a comparison is to be done between current magnitudes in therange of 90 to 110 with nominal rating is 100 and the order is kA.For the above condition the comparator can be designed with settings as follows,EnaAbs = AbsoluteRefSource = Set ValueSetValue = 100RefPrefix = KiloEqualBandHigh = 5.0 % of reference valueEqualBandLow = 5.0 % of reference valueOperationThe function will set the outputs for the following conditions,INEQUAL will set when the INPUT is between the ranges of 95 to 105 kA.INHIGH will set when the INPUT crosses above 105 kA.INLOW will set when the INPUT crosses below 95 kA.If the comparison should be done between two current magnitudes then thosecurrent signals need to be connected to function inputs, INPUT and REF. Then thesettings should be adjusted as below,EnaAbs = AbsoluteRefSource = Input REF1MRK 511 407-UEN C Section 15LogicPhasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 IEC 247Application manual