16.3 Liquid medium supervision SSIML GUID-37669E94-4830-4C96-8A67-09600F847F23 v316.3.1 IdentificationGUID-4CE96EF6-42C6-4F2E-A190-D288ABF766F6 v3Function description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberInsulation liquid monitoring function SSIML - 7116.3.2 Application GUID-140AA10C-4E93-4C23-AD57-895FADB0DB29 v7Liquid medium supervision (SSIML) is used for monitoring the oil insulateddevice condition. For example, transformers, shunt reactors, and so on. When thelevel becomes too low compared to the required value, the operation is blocked tominimize the risk of internal failures. Binary information based on the oil level inthe oil insulated devices are used as input signals to the function. In addition, thefunction generates alarms based on the received information.16.3.3 Setting guidelines GUID-0C8E498B-2A65-44ED-91D6-53EC72F49222 v4The parameters for Liquid medium supervision SSIML can be set via local HMI orProtection and Control Manager PCM600.Operation: This is used to disable/enable the operation of liquid mediumsupervision i.e. Off/On.LevelAlmLimit: This is used to set the limit for a level alarm condition in the oilinsulated device.LevelLOLimit: This is used to set the limit for a level lockout condition in the oilinsulated device.TempAlarmLimit: This is used to set the limit for a temperature alarm condition inthe oil insulated device.TempLOLimit: This is used to set the limit for a temperature lockout condition inthe oil insulated device.tLevelAlarm: This is used to set the time delay for a level alarm indication, given ins.tLevelLockOut: This is used to set the time delay for a level lockout indication,given in s.tTempAlarm: This is used to set the time delay for a temperature alarm indication,given in s.1MRK 511 407-UEN C Section 16MonitoringPhasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 IEC 263Application manual