IEC61850 Ed1 IEDs because in IEC61850 Ed1 only one accesspoint can be modelled in SCL.The IP address can be set in IP address. ECT validates the value, the access pointshave to be on separate subnetworks.The subnetwork mask can be set in Subnet mask. This field will be updated to theSCL model based on the Subnetwork selection.To select which communication protocols can be run on the respective accesspoints, check or uncheck the check box for the relevant protocol. The protocols arenot activated/deactivated in ECT, only filtered for the specific access point. Forinformation on how to activate the individual communication protocols, see thecommunication protocol chapters.To increase security it is recommended to uncheck protocols thatare not used on the access point.The default gateway can be selected by entering the IP address in Default gateway.The default gateway is the router that is used to communicate with the devices inthe other subnetwork. By default this is set to which means that no defaultgateway is selected. ECT validates the entered value, but the default gateway has tobe in the same subnetwork as the access point. The default gateway is the routerthat is being used as default, that is when no route has been set up for thedestination. If communication with a device in another subnetwork is needed, aroute has to be set up. For more information on routes, see the Routes chapter in theTechnical manual and the Application manual.DHCP can be activated for the front port from the LHMI in Main menu/Configuration/Communication/Ethernet configuration/Front port/DHCP:118.2 Redundant communication18.2.1 IdentificationGUID-B7AE0374-0336-42B8-90AF-3AE1C79A4116 v1Function description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberIEC 62439-3 Parallel redundancyprotocolPRP - -IEC 62439-3 High-availability seamlessredundancyHSR - -Access point diagnostic for redundantEthernet portsRCHLCCH - -Section 18 1MRK 511 407-UEN CEthernet-based communication286 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 IECApplication manual