IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Phasor measurementRES670 (Customized)RES670 (A20)RES670 (B20)BINARYREPORT1Protocol reporting of binary data viaIEEE 1344 and C37.118, binary 1-80-2 2 2BINARYREPORT2Protocol reporting of binary data viaIEEE 1344 and C37.118, binary 9-160-2 1-P16/2-P172BINARYREPORT3Protocol reporting of binary data viaIEEE 1344 and C37.118, binary 17-240-2 1-P16/2-P171-P18/2-P19PMUSTATUS Diagnostics for C37.118 2011 andIEEE1344 protocol1 1 12.3 Back-up protection functions GUID-A8D0852F-807F-4442-8730-E44808E194F0 v14IEC 61850 orfunction nameANSI Function description Phasor measurement unitRES670 (Customized)RES670 (A20)RES670 (B20)Impedance protectionZMRPSB 68 Power swing detection 0-1 1-B23 1-B23OOSPPAM 78 Out-of-step protection 0-2 2-B23 2-B23Current protectionOC4PTOC 51_671) Directional phase overcurrent protection,four steps0-6 3-C26 6-C27EF4PTOC 51N67N2)Directional residual overcurrent protection,four steps0-6 3–C26 6–C27NS4PTOC 46I2 Four step directional negative phasesequence overcurrent protection0-6 3-C26 6-C27SDEPSDE 67N Sensitive directional residual overcurrentand power protection0-6 3-C26 6-C27LCPTTR 26 Thermal overload protection, one timeconstant, Celsius0-6LFPTTR 26 Thermal overload protection, one timeconstant, Fahrenheit0-6GUPPDUP 37 Directional underpower protection 0-4 3-C18 4-C25GOPPDOP 32 Directional overpower protection 0-4 3-C18 4-C25Voltage protectionUV2PTUV 27 Two step undervoltage protection 0-4 1 2OV2PTOV 59 Two step overvoltage protection 0-4 1 2Table continues on next pageSection 2 1MRK 511 407-UEN CApplication30 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 IECApplication manual