Example for use of GRP_OFF signal in FXDSIGNThe Restricted earth fault function (REFPDIF) can be used both for auto-transformers and normal transformers.When used for auto-transformers, information from both windings parts, togetherwith the neutral point current, needs to be available to the function. This means thatthree inputs are needed.I3PW1CT1I3PW2CT1I3PREFPDIFIEC09000619_3_en.vsdIEC09000619 V3 EN-USFigure 84: REFPDIF function inputs for autotransformer applicationFor normal transformers only one winding and the neutral point is available. Thismeans that only two inputs are used. Since all group connections are mandatory tobe connected, the third input needs to be connected to something, which is theGRP_OFF signal in FXDSIGN function block.I3PW1CT1I3PW2CT1I3PREFPDIFGRP_OFFFXDSIGNIEC09000620_3_en.vsdIEC09000620 V3 EN-USFigure 85: REFPDIF function inputs for normal transformer application15.8 Boolean 16 to Integer conversion B16I SEMOD175715-1 v115.8.1 IdentificationSEMOD175721-2 v2Function description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberBoolean 16 to integer conversion B16I - -Section 15 1MRK 511 407-UEN CLogic238 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 IECApplication manual