Name of input Type Default Description Value whenactivatedValue whendeactivatedIN11 BOOLEAN 0 Input 11 1024 0IN12 BOOLEAN 0 Input 12 2048 0IN13 BOOLEAN 0 Input 13 4096 0IN14 BOOLEAN 0 Input 14 8192 0IN15 BOOLEAN 0 Input 15 16384 0IN16 BOOLEAN 0 Input 16 32768 0The sum of the numbers in column “Value when activated” when all INx (where1≤x≤16) are active that is=1; is 65535. 65535 is the highest boolean value that canbe converted to an integer by the BTIGAPC function block.15.10 Integer to Boolean 16 conversion IB16 SEMOD158367-1 v215.10.1 IdentificationSEMOD167941-2 v2Function description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberInteger to boolean 16 conversion IB16 - -15.10.2 Application SEMOD158499-5 v4Integer to boolean 16 conversion function (IB16) is used to transform an integerinto a set of 16 binary (logical) signals. It can be used – for example, to connectinteger output signals from one function to binary (logical) inputs to anotherfunction. IB16 function does not have a logical node mapping.The Boolean 16 to integer conversion function (IB16) will transfer a combinationof up to 16 binary inputs INx where 1≤x≤16 to an integer. Each INx represents avalue according to the table below from 0 to 32768. This follows the generalformula: INx = 2x-1 where 1≤x≤16. The sum of all the values on the activated INxwill be available on the output OUT as a sum of the values of all the inputs INxthat are activated. OUT is an integer. When all INx where 1≤x≤16 are activatedthat is = Boolean 1 it corresponds to that integer 65535 is available on the outputOUT. IB16 function is designed for receiving up to 16 booleans input locally. If theBLOCK input is activated, it will freeze the output at the last value.Values of each of the different OUTx from function block IB16 for 1≤x≤16.The sum of the value on each INx corresponds to the integer presented on theoutput OUT on the function block IB16.1MRK 511 407-UEN C Section 15LogicPhasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 IEC 241Application manual