Adding Printers in NetWareAXIS 5570e User’s Manual 111Basic Queue-based printing over IPAxis print servers with software version 6.0 or later allow users to print ina Pure IP environment using traditional queue-based printing (whichusually uses the IPX transport protocol). Note that only NDS queue-basedprinting is supported.In the NetWare Pure IP environment, you must use the NetWareAdministrator to create the printer, print server and queue objects.Installing theAxis Network PrintServerFollow the instructions below to install the Axis Network Print Server inthe NetWare Pure IP environment:1. Start the Configuration Wizard from the User mode in the Axis NetworkPrint Server Web interface.2. Click your way through the Wizard until reaching the NetWare page.3. Set the parameters on the NetWare page:• PSERVER NDS Tree (example: NW5TREE)orPSERVER NDS File Server: (example: FILESERVERNAME)• PSERVER NDS Distinguished Name:(example: AXISXXXXXX., where is the containerwhere you want to create your print server)Setting the PSERVER parameters in the Axis Network Print Server Web interface.4. Use the NetWare Administrator to create the printer, print server and queueobjects in the NDS tree and then link them together. The Print ServicesQuick Setup (Non-NDPS) utility can be used for this. Go to Tools in theNetWare Administrator.