Management and ConfigurationAXIS 5570e User’s Manual 131Socket Layer - a protocol designed to provide secure communications onthe Internet.) and TLS (Transport Layer Security, a protocol thatguarantees privacy and data integrity between applicationscommunicating over the Internet) You can also create secure certificatesand disable/enable insecure protocols.Whenever SSL/TLS is enabled, you have to address the print server’s Webinterface in the secure way, i.e. via https://See Enabling Secure Web Services — SSL/TLS, on page 163 for a detaileddescription.Parameter List Shows all print server parameters and their current settings.Restart Restarts the print server.Software Default A Software Default will reset all print server parameters and settings totheir default values except:• Node address (NODE_ADDR.)• IP Address (INT_ADDR.)• DHCP enabled (DHCP_ENB)• Installed certificate• Private keySee The Test Button, on page 208 for instructions on performing aFactory Default.Firmware Upgrade Upgrades the print server’s internal software.