SNA Parameter OverviewAXIS 5570e User’s Manual 173Parameter Summary The following tables summarize SNA host communication parametersthat must be considered when installing the Axis Network Print Server.The parameters are presented as:• Common Mainframe and AS/400 parameters• Mainframe specific parameters• AS/400 specific parametersCommon Mainframe &AS/400 ParametersMainframe SpecificParametersAS/400 SpecificParametersParameter Name DefaultDEVICE_EMUL Control Unit DeviceEmulation 3174Th DEVICE_EMUL parameter controls the Control Unit emulation mode. When set to 3174, the PrintServer will appear as a 3174 PU 2.0 node to the host. This mode may be used for both mainframeand AS/400 environments.When set to 5494, the Print Server will appear as a 5494 PU2.1 node to the host. This is therecommended mode for the AS/400 environment. The 5494 mode cannot be used in the mainframeenvironment.H1_ADDR Host MAC Address FF FF FF FF FF FFThe H1_ADDR is the Host Ethernet/Token Ring MAC address. It is normally set to the MAC address ofthe host.When the Print Server is connected to the host through a gateway, this parameter should be set tothe MAC address of the gateway. For a directly attached AS/400 system, this value is found in the"Line Description".AUTODIAL Automatic LinkEstablishment noThe AUTODIAL parameter controls whether the print server will automatically try to establish thelink when the print server is switched on, or if communication is lost.When running 5494 CU mode, this parameter also controls whether Automatic Configuration shouldbe performed.Parameter Name DefaultNODE_ID Node ID E07xxxxx, where "xxxxx" are the last five digits of the printserver’s MAC address.This is the SNA PU identification.The first 3 digits is the IDBLK and the last five is the IDNUM.When defining a VTAM Switched Major Node, this parameter should match the IDBLK and IDNUMvalues specified in the PU definition.Only Hexadecimal characters (0-9 and A-F) allowed.Parameter Name Default EmulationNWORK_NAME Network Name APPN 5494 onlyDescription - This is the Print Server Network Name.The value of this parameter is normally the same as the "Host Network Name", indicating that boththe Print Server and the AS/400 system are located on the same APPN network.The Network Name may comprise the letters A-Z and/or numerals 0-9, but must begin with a letter.The letters used should all be in UPPERCASE and a maximum of 8 characters are allowed.LU_NAME LU Name Axxxxxxx 5494 only