Setting Up - AS/400 (iSeries)24 AXIS 5570e User’s ManualNote:6. Press Enter to display the Autocreate controller (AUTOCRTCTL)parameter. Ensure that the AUTOCRTCTL parameter is set to *YES. Press F3to return to the command line.7. Type DSPSYSVAL QCHRID on the command line and press Enter. Note thecode page for future reference. Press F3 to exit.Display Line Description S44A6643Line description .: LIND ETHLINEOption . . . . . : OPTION *SSAPCategory of line .: *ELANSSAP List. . . . .: SSAP----Source Service Access Points------SSAP Maximum Frame Type04 1496 *SNA12 1496 *NONSNAAA 1496 *NONSNAC8 1496 *HPR08 1496 *SNAPress Enter to continue. BottomF3=Exit F11=Nondisplay keywords F12=CancelThe SNA entry is normally set to SSAP 04.Display Line Description S44A6643Line description . . : LIND ETHERNETOption . . . . . . . : OPTION *APPNCategory of line . . : *ELANLink speed . . . . .: LINKSPEED 10MCost/connect time . .: COSTCNN 0Cost/byte . . . . . : COSTBYTE 0Security for line. . : SECURITY *NONSECUREPropagation delay. . : PRPDLY *MINUser-defined 1 . . . : USRDFN1 128User-defined 2 . . . : USRDFN2 128User-defined 3 . . . : USRDFN3 128Autocreate controller: AUTOCRTCTL *YESAutodelete controller: AUTODLTCTL 1440Press Enter to continue. BottomF3=Exit F11=Nondisplay keywords F12=Cancel