Basic Installation20 AXIS 5570e User’s ManualIP Address If you do not have a DHCP server on your network, you must obtain anunused IP address from your network administrator.Important:Registering andResolvingHost NamesIn order to register the host name of the Axis Network Print Server innetworks with dynamic IP address settings, WINS (Windows InternetName Service) and DDNS (Dynamic Domain Naming System) aresupported. It is recommended that at least one of these methods be usedwhen setting the IP address of the Axis Network Print Server using DHCP.The host name of the Axis Network Print Server is specified by thePS_NAME parameter. Refer to The Parameter List, on page 216.WINS Host NameRulesWINS only supports 15 character long host names. If your host name islonger than 15 characters, the Axis Network Print Server truncates thehost name to 15 characters when registering with a WINS server. You canview the Axis Network Print Server host name that is registered at aWINS server, in the print server’s Web interface. Refer to Section 11Management and Configuration, on page 127.DDNS Host NameRulesDDNS supports 53 character long host names, but they can only consistof the characters ‘A-Z’, ’a-z’ and ‘-’. If your host name consists of anyother characters, they are converted to ‘-’, when registering with a DDNSserver. You can view the Axis Network Print Server host name that isregistered at a DDNS server, in the print server’s Web interface. Refer toSection 11 Management and Configuration, on page 127.If the host name matches another entry in the DDNS data base, the AxisNetwork Print Server deletes the entry before registering.Notes:DO NOT use the IP addresses used in the following examples when installing your AxisNetwork Print Server. Always consult your network administrator before assigning an IPaddress to your Axis Network Print Server.• The host name limitations conclude that if you want to register the same host name at aWINS server and a DDNS server, the host name should be no longer than 15 charactersand it should only contain the characters:‘A - Z’, ‘a-z’ and ‘-’• Refer to your system manuals or to your network administrator for instructions on howhost name resolutions are performed on your system.• If the host name has not been mapped to the IP address, you can still perform thefollowing instructions on how to download the IP address. In this case, simply replacethe host name entry with the IP address wherever required.