Introduction to SPMA for the CSX200 and CSX4001-4ConventionsNote that this application must be purchased separately, and is documented in itsown User’s Guide.Instructions on discovering Cabletron devices, creating icons, and accessing theicon menus within your management platform are included in your Installingand Using SPECTRUM for... guide. If you are using SPMA for the CSX instand-alone mode — that is, without benefit of a specific network managementsystem — instructions for starting each application from the command line areincluded (as appropriate) in each chapter of this guide and the SPMA ToolsGuide.ConventionsSPECTRUM Portable Management Applications — including the CSX200 andCSX400 module — can work with a number of different network managementsystems running on several different operating systems and graphical userinterfaces. This versatility presents two documentation problems: first, there is nostandard terminology; and second, the appearance of the windows will differbased on the graphical interface in use. For the sake of consistency, the followingconventions will be followed throughout this and other SPMA guides.Screen DisplaysSPMA runs under a variety of different operating systems and graphical userinterfaces. To maintain a consistent presentation, screen displays in this and otherSPMA guides show an OSF/Motif environment. If you’re used to a different GUI,don’t worry; the differences are minor. Buttons, boxes, borders, and menusdisplayed on your screen may look a bit different from what you see in the guide,but they’re organized and labelled the same, located in the same places, andperform the same functions in all screen environments.Some windows within SPMA applications can be re-sized; those windows willdisplay the standard window resizing handles employed by your windowingsystem. Re-sizing a window doesn’t re-size the information in the window; it justchanges the amount of information that can be displayed (see Figure 1-1). Whenyou shrink a window, scroll bars will appear as necessary so that you can scroll toview all the information that is available.NOTEIf you are using SPMA in a stand-alone mode or in conjunction with the SunNetManager or Solstice Enterprise Manager platforms, the RMON option will be availablefor all CSX400 devices whether or not you have purchased the RMON applicationmodule. If you are using SPMA in conjunction with HP Network Node Manager or IBMNetView AIX, however, the RMON option will only appear when the module has beenpurchased and installed. RMON is not supported on the CSX200 series.