CSX Bridge View3-26The Filtering Database WindowChanging Forwarding and Static Database EntriesThe only entries that can be changed or deleted in the Filtering Database are staticentries. If the entry you wish to change or delete is a forwarding entry, you mustadd it to the Static Table. The Static Table (Figure 3-11) is used to change aforwarding entry to a static or permanent entry, or make changes to existing staticentries. To open the Static Table window:1. Open the Filtering Database window by clicking on the Front Panelbutton; drag down to Filtering Database to display the Filtering Databasewindow.2. If the Filtering Database window displays Forwarding entries, highlight theentry you want to change and click on the Add to Static Table button.orIf the Filtering Database window displays Static entries, highlight an entry andclick on the Change button.Figure 3-11. Static Table WindowStatic AddressThe Static Address field will display the MAC address of the entry youhighlighted in the Filtering Database window. If no entry was selected, theaddress field will contain zeros, and a valid MAC address may be entered.NOTEIt is also possible to open the Static Table in either case without highlighting an entry, byclicking on the Add To Static Table button. The static address field will appear blank.Enter the MAC address that you want to add to the Static Table.