Device Configuration2-2About the CSX200 SeriesSee CSX WPIMs on page 2-4 for a description of the WPIM modules that areavailable for your CSX200 both currently and in the future.ApplicationsYou can use the following SPMA applications to manage your CSX200 devices:Bridge ViewThe Bridge View application is described in Chapter 3, CSX Bridge View. TheBridge View allows you to configure bridging and filtering parameters, and toview statistics on your CSX200 bridge.Router ConfigurationThe Advanced and Basic Router Configuration applications are both detailed inyour SPMA Routing Services Configuration Guide. Through Basic Configurationyou can set and view routing parameters on each port. With AdvancedConfiguration you can configure static routes and secondary addresses, monitorand control routing tables, and apply network security measures using accesscontrol lists.WAN ConfigurationChapter 4, CSX WAN Configuration, describes this application in detail. With theCSX200’s WAN Configuration window, you can set wide-area protocols andconfigure those settings, as well as configure the WPIM installed on your device.NOTEAt the time of this release, SPMA does not support a DDS interface on a CSX device.This applies to both the CSX203 and a WPIM-DDS installed on a CSX-400. In addition,the WPIM-DI, WPIM-E1, and WPIM-HDSL are also not currently supported bySPMA, but will be in the future. The Windows 95- and NT-based utility QuickSET,which was shipped with your CSX200/400 device, can be used to configure these WPIMs.See your QuickSET documentation for more information.NOTESThe WPIM-DI and the WPIM-HDSL, which are both described later in this chapter, aresupported by the CSX200 series, though they cannot be managed via SPMA at this time.While no specific 200 device has been allocated for either of these WPIMs (i.e. 201, 202,203), CSX200s with these WPIMs are available. Contact the Cabletron Systems GlobalCall Center for more information.All CSX200 devices use the same firmware and the same sysObjectID (csx-200).Therefore, if you have two or more different CSX200 devices on your network, the onlyway to tell them apart is from their WAN interfaces.